The Gospel
For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 (CSB)

There was once a time when all things were perfect.
We lived in harmony with one another and our Creator. He walked with us
and He talked with us. All was right with this world, but then we
broke the design.

We brought sin into the world. Sin is this biblical word that
means we act outside of God's will. His will was for all of us to live
in the perfect world He made. Yet, in our desire for more we broke
His one and only rule. Our sin comes at a price, and that price is
our lives. But God is merciful. Instead of immediately taking
our lives He showed us mercy.

We live in a broken world. The brokenness is seen everywhere.
We can't escape it. Every time we try to fix it ourselves we end up just
putting a bandaid on cracked concrete. Nothing gets fixed, and we
continue to go down a path that leads us farther away from God's
original design.

We don't have to loose hope. There is an answer to our
eternal problem! There is this word that means, "good news." That
word is the Gospel. The good news is that we have a way to get out
of our brokenness. That good news points to the life, death, burial,
and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus died the death we deserve.
He paid the price so we don't have to. Not only that, but He is alive!
No longer do we have to fear the death that others have to face.​

The only way out of our brokenness is accept the gift
Jesus offers us on the cross. We receive this by, first, repenting of
our sins. We are sinners who broke God's design and we can't get
back. Then, we believe that Jesus came to die for the sins of the whole
world so that we don't have to die in our sin. He loves us so much, and
our sin is so great that we needed His sacrifice to bring us
back to Him.

Finally, we live a life that reflects the gift we received.
Through recovery, God fills us with the Holy Spirit so that we
can be made into the image of the One who saved us. The more
we recover the easier it is to pursue a life that points others to
Jesus. We pursue a life where we live in a right relationship with
Him again. This is the most important part of following Him.
We must bring others along to experience the same gift
we get to enjoy.

If you are ready to accept the gift of salvation then let us know!
We want to celebrate the new life Christ has given you!